Thursday, February 7, 2013

Tiffany's New Baby: Wyatt

We are pleased to announce that Tiffany, one of our wonderful Technicians, delivered a 

healthy baby boy in January! Here are some previous photos of Wyatt! Congratulations,

Tiffany, James and big sister, Trinity!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

February is National Pet Dental Health Month

Did you know that February is National Pet Dental Health Month? We will be offering 15% off dental cleanings throughout the month of February! Be sure to schedule your pet's dental appointment now to make sure they have the healthiest smile possible!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Trifexis Promotion

Parasites are practically everywhere and they pose a threat to your dog's health. That's why you need to take action to make sure your dog is protected. Luckily, with Trifexis, it's easy! Trifexis kills fleas and prevents flea infestations, treats and controls hookworms, whipworms and roundworms, and prevents heartworm disease. Receive a $20 mail in rebate when you purchase a year's supply (12 doses) of Trifexis or receive a $10 mail in rebate with the purchase of a 6 month (6 dose) supply. The team at Pembroke Veterinary Clinic would be happy to answer any questions you might have about Trifexis and how it can help your canine companion. Call us today at 757-464-0169 for more details!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Over-the-Counter Medications & Pets

It’s important to keep your medicines out of your pet’s reach at all times, because human medication can be toxic to your pets! When your pet feels sick or is acting under the weather, never give them a human medicine, but bring them in for veterinary care instead. Even if you mean well, a dose of human medicine could be fatal to your pet.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Roxy: Recent Boarding Guest

Going on a trip this summer? Schedule your pet to board with us! Here are some photos of Roxy, a recent boarding guest. She loved her stay and enjoyed all the attention she got while she was here.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

June is Adopt-A-Cat Month and Adopt-A-Shelter-Cat-Month!

June is Adopt-A-Cat Month and Adopt-A-Shelter-Cat-Month! If you are thinking about adding a new feline companion to your family, we suggest you visit Virginia Beach Animal Care & Adoption Center at 341 South Birdneck Road in Virginia Beach or Norfolk. They are working hard to find homes for some very sweet and loving cats.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Allergies and Pets

Allergies in pets can be manifested in many different ways, just like in people. Pets with allergies can have skin issues, chronic ear infections, anal gland issues, or frequent soft stools.