Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Feline Leukemia Virus

Should you be concerned about Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV)? The answer is yes if your cat has frequent contact with other cats or kittens. Research indicates that FeLV is highly contagious among cats of all ages. Among cats, it is spread by saliva, urine, and blood. A small blood sample is all that’s required for the FeLV test. What are the signs of feline leukemia virus? Weight loss, recurring or chronic illness, lethargy, fever, diarrhea, breathing difficulty or rapid breathing. Make an appointment by calling us at 757-464-0169 if you suspect any sign of feline leukemia virus or if your cat has had close contact with a suspected cat.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

2011 Most Popular Pet Names

Most popular feline names for females
1. Bella
2. Chloe
3. Lucy
4. Sophie
5. Lily
6. Molly
7. Gracie
8. Princess
9. Sasha
10. Cleo
Most popular feline names for males
1. Max
2. Oliver
4. Charlie
5. Simba
6. Buddy
7. Smokey
8. Tigger
9. Jack
10. Sammy
Most popular canine names for females
1. Bella
2. Lucy
3. Molly
4. Daisy
5. Maggie
6. Sophie
7. Chloe
8. Sadie
9. Lola
10. Bailey
Most Popular canine names for males
1. Max
2. Buddy
3. Charlie
4. Rocky
5. Bailey
6. Jake
7. Cooper
8. Jack
9. Toby
10. Cody

Monday, January 2, 2012

Today is National Pet Safety Day

Today is National Pet Travel Safety Day! The mission of this day is to save lives by creating awareness of the vital need for pet safety in all areas of travel. Did you and your pet travel over the holidays and if so, what tips might you have for others?