Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Cats are masters at hiding illness.

Cats are masters at hiding illness. Your cat needs regular vaccinations and exams to stay healthy and live a long, happy life. Your cat could be giving you subtle signs of sickness, letting you know that it’s time to visit your veterinarian. We recommend semi-annual wellness visits as well as examinations any time you suspect that your pet may be showing signs of illness.

Click here for a detailed list of subtle signs of illness, which include inappropriate elimination behavior or litter box use, changes in food and water consumption, changes in sleeping habits, or even bad breath. 

Thursday, June 16, 2011

We are an AAHA Accredited Hospital!

 Pembroke Veterinary Clinic is proud to be a member of the American Animal Hospital Association! We regularly have our hospital inspected by trained professionals to make sure we follow the association’s high standards for veterinary hospitals. We work hard to give you the best veterinary care we can offer. Click the link below to learn why these standards are so important to your pet's veterinary care.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Our employee Pet of the Month for June is Rudolph Burford.  Rudy is a very handsome one year old black and white DSH cat.  Rudy was rescued by Sarah, one of our assistants, when he was found on a job site by her husband.  Both his front legs were fractured when he was found, and he spent a while with bandaged legs, but that never slowed him down!  This active guy moved right into the Burford household and made a place for himself.  This is one special kitty!

Monday, June 13, 2011

World Pet Memorial Day

Today is World Pet Memorial Day! We all have special memories of the wonderful pets who have shared our lives. If you have lost a pet and would like to memorialize them on our website, click the link below and download a photo of your beloved pet and include some special memories. Your memorial will display on our website on our next business day!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Poppy-Client Pet of the Month

Our Pet of the Month for June is Poppy Baugh!  Poppy is a beautiful, friendly beagle who will be celebrating her 12th birthday very soon.  She lost her beloved companion, Daisy, earlier this year and now does not like to be home alone.  So Poppy visits us at Pembroke Veterinary Clinic very often and spends the day with us while her mom is at work.  We’re all looking forward to your next visit, Poppy!